Saturday, June 20, 2009

GPSed Track "leg 1"

Hi Everyone,

First and foremost thank you all for virtually riding along with me. It helped to know that some were checking in.

Secondly, I'm sorry for the failure of my Bluetooth GPS that was going to send the live tracks via my cell phone. Maybe it had something to do with all the rain, but whatever the reason, it simply died of natural causes.

I will meanwhile simply upload the tracks from my main Garmin GPS at the end of each day. It's not as much fun as live tracking, but I'll do the best to send something in the form of pictures, tracks, and observations every day. If the end of any day finds me in a remote area without cell or Internet coverage, I'll catch everything up when I am in an area with connections.

Finally, if something fails (like today), don't get worried. The greatest likelihood is that some technology item failed, or that I failed to use it correctly.

Finally, I deleted the links to the failed track and replaced them with three segments off my Garmin:

  1. Labeled "1 Nashua, NH to Lincoln, NE" I separated this out for Smitty's sake. It shows as 1501.1 miles on the Garmin track, but translates to 1499.1 when translated to the GPSed format. It's funny to note that the time was 23:57 or something like that. It satisfied my curiosity about whether the 1500 can be done in 24 hours, Read on.
  2. the second track is captioned "2 Lincoln, NE to York, NE". As mentioned above, I was feeling kind of good about doing 1500 in 24 hours, but I overextended my self to the point that I needed a nap or would simply fall off the bike. This problem was aggravated by the fact that I was fighting high winds, thunderstorms, road construction, old age and general grumpiness by then. That explains the 54 mile leg. I pulled in to a rest area, turned everything off, and napped for three hours on the pavement in a rest area beside the bike (the rain had ended).
  3. After the morning power nap of 2 1/2 hours, the third segment was about 468 miles or so to Lee's house in Longmont. It was good to see my old friend even though I had to lecture him about becoming a mother hen when my tracks went poof in the night.

No pictures for this portion of the trip. The object here was to get to the Rockies as quickly as possible, and to start the trip cris-crossing the Continental Divide looking for the best of the best. Maybe fruited plains and fields of grain will be the theme of another ride.

To see the tracks of the newly uploaded segments, just click on the live location link at the top of the navigation pane (as we have been doing) and the three tracks will be on my GPSed page. In the future, the new posts will have the links directly attached to the post itself.

Tomorrow AM, we travel from Longmont, southwest through the Rocky Mountain National Park then turning northwesterly stopping at Dubois, WY for the night. The tracks still won't be live until I find a replacement tracking device. Everything will be posted in the evening, beginning tomorrow (Monday) night.

Thanks again for riding along.



  1. Just spoke to Dave while he was parked at a NY service plaza. Sounds like he is struggling with his heated vest but otherwise all systems go!

  2. I just spoke with Dave again he is in
    Cleveland, OH. His GPS has died on him for now so until this is fixed he will only be able to upload tracks at the end of this leg.

    Keep checking back for more updates and hopefully is GPS will come back on line at some point.

  3. Mad Max - Thanks for the updates.

  4. Looks like Dave's GPS is down until he gets here. Recieved a text from him at 4:00 AM but no location.

  5. I just spoke with Dave after his power-nap in Lincoln Nebraska.

    He is doing great and should arrive here on schedule this afternoon!
