Monday, June 8, 2009


This blog will be the central holding area for all of the details of a major motorcycle trip to Alaska, with daily updates (as internet and cell coverage allow). Daily updates and real-time tracking will also be posted on twitter.

Everything has to start someplace. Let's start with a broad outline of the objectives of this trip.
  1. To experience as many of the best scenic by-ways and back roads as possible within the budget, time constraints, and physical limitations of a recently-retired 62 year old. My trips usually include a few of my previous favorites, while trying to "raise the bar" with newly found treasures.
  2. To share as much of the experience with as many people as is possible. I will be posting real-time tracking data, including photos and descriptions. The tracks and photos will speak for themselves. I'll try to convey my thoughts, feelings, and emotions also, although I doubt that the full range of emotion can fully be transmitted through this particular medium at the hands of this particular observer. I'll try my best!
  3. This trip will be taken with absolutely bare-minimum creature comforts. If I have to see the sunrise or sunset through a motel window, I might as well do this entire trip in a four-wheeled vehicle, or worse... a friggin' RV! As closely as possible, The perspective will be that of a solitary traveller from the cowboy era. My saddle will be atop an iron horse, HTML CDMA will replace Morse code and US Mail, and I will have some electronic goodies attached to the bike, but the elements will be mostly unfiltered.

Please help me share this trip. I'll be looking foward to feedback, questions, and comments of any sort.



1 comment:

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